Sunday 2 June 2013

Les Miserables The Film - My Take

I know this has absolutely nothing to do with beauty or style, but I am an avid movie-watcher and after what seems like a incredibly long time I finally got around to watching this much hyped film and thought I would sweetly let you know what I thought of it. First off, it was very melodramtic, almost overly so in places but for someone who watches Bollywood movies quite often that is nothing new. It was even welcomed at times.The scenery and cinematography was fantastic as was the acting, a few characters definitely stood out for me especially the little girl who plays Cosette, she was wonderful and utterly adorable. I had heard prior to watching it that Russel Crowe's singing wasn't up to scratch, I completely disagree with this, he definitely exceeded my expectations. My main issue with the movie was the lack of French, I did think they would randomly insert some French words or accents, but the poor French people just sound overtly Cockney. It was all very strange, especially as it is immediately followed by a song about the French Revolution.

I loved Eponine, she was incredible, by far my favourite character, her scenes were heartbreaking and she is so beautiful. Her song, I thought, was one of the best, plus her waist is actually tiny. I don't know who the actress is but I am positive she has a very bright future ahead of her and I look forward to seeing her in many more films or musicals. Marius clearly needs his head testing, there is one scene (I don't want to spoil it for anyone) that just made me feel so sorry for her. On the other hand, I didn't care much for the older Cosette played by Amanda Seyfried. I loved her in Mean Girls but ever since then all her characters have lacked a certain quality that enables me to like them, she is very pretty though I didn't care for her costumes (I assume they were a reflection of her wealth). She has lovely features but I find them scarily childlike, all in all I felt she was very bland and pointless. Sacha Baron Cohen, however, will always have my heart, Ali G never seems to let me down, his performance was the perfect balance of humour and talent.

Which finally brings me to the freckled perfection of Eddie Redmayne. I don't know if it is because he is actually quite beautiful or that I have some weird obsession with freckles but he looks great in this movie, just flawless. He looks like such a nice guy, so for the last half of the film I was essentially just swooning over his freckled face. I had already heard about him because of his involvement in the BBC adaptation of Birdsong, I had the pleasure of reading the novel (hated it) for A Level Literature, and apparently the adaptation was very good mainly due to Eddie. So, doubtless, I will be watching that soon.

I sang a long heartily to every song, I munched my way through a variety of food throughout. I didn't cry, me and the friend I was watching it with both screamed and cursed whenever something happened that we didn't like. It was a great film. Definitely worth watching, for some reason after a recent conversation with a good, yet achingly cool friend of mine, I have realised that I don't tend to take musicals seriously at all. I love them, they're fun (High School Musical and Hairspray anyone?) but they lack a certain gravitas for me. So I wasn't as moved as other people might have been. Gavroche was the best dressed out of the lot of them, that little man had style.

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